Amigos. Sé que me extrañan más que nunca, así que les traigo el notición del siglo. Estoy haciendo mi servicio social y probablemente voy a venir todavía menos de lo que habían estado experimentando hasta ahora. No quiero, sin embargo, que esta semana quede feamente sin tips para uds, por lo que nuevamente, aquí les van!
Friends. I know you miss me more than ever, so I have the biggest newsflash of this century: I'm currently doing my social service and probably I'm going to come here even less. I don't want, however, to leave this week without tips for you, so here I go!
- Si su delineador en gel está ya un poco reseco y muerto, pueden revivirlo utilizando lubricante! Aquí se ha probado tanto lubricante de silicón como de glicerina, y ambos funcionan muy bien. Pueden hacer rendir un poquito más ese bote.
If your gel eyeliner is now almost dry and dead, you can revive it using lube! Here, either glycerin and silicone lube have been tested, and both are very good. You can make that pot last a little more.
- Este ya se lo saben, meter sus barnices al congelador unos momentos antes de utilizarlos para que se sequen más rápido, pero también, créanme, les conviene aplicar varias capas delgadas y dejarlas secar bien entre cada aplicación, que aplicar 2 capas gruesas confiándose con el truco de arriba.
Y'all already know about putting your nail polish inside the fridge for a few minutes before using them to make them dry faster, but also, believe me, it is convenient for you to apply thin layers and let them dry thoroughly between aplications, than applying 2 thick layers trusting in the above said trick.
- Por que funciona mejor usar la esponja húmeda que usarla seca? Por que la textura cambia, cuando está húmeda, los poros de la mismísima se llenan de agua y así absorbe menos maquillaje, el cual quedará en la piel de ustedes, y eso ayuda a que utilicen menor cantidad.
Why does it work better if you use your sponge dampened than dry? because the texture changes, when it is damp, the pores on your very own sponge fill with water, and then it absorb less amount of makeup, which will of course go to your skin, helping you to use less amount of it.
Why does it work better if you use your sponge dampened than dry? because the texture changes, when it is damp, the pores on your very own sponge fill with water, and then it absorb less amount of makeup, which will of course go to your skin, helping you to use less amount of it.
- Que es buena idea hacer para desmaquillarte de una vez por todas la mascara? hay varias cosas, como por ejemplo: puedes reservar un aplicador para mascara y aplicarte vaselina en las pestañas, con mucho cuidado para evitar que entre en los ojos. Lo dejas reposar entre 3 y 5 minutos, y en seguida lo retiras con agua tibia y microfibra. Casi magia. También, puedes aplicar un poco de aceite con una brocha, y luego los pasos son los mismos: lo dejas reposar entre 3 y 5 minutos y lo retiras. En resumen, lo mejor es quitarlo con un medio aceitoso que se repose un poco para que actúe.
What is good to do for removing once and for all the mascara? there are many things, for example: you can reserve an applicator for mascara and apply vaseline in your eyelashes, carefully, to avoid it getting in your eyes. Let that in between 3 and 5 minutes and remove then with warm water and a microfiber towel. Almost magic. Also, you can use a little oil applied with a brush, and the steps are the same: you let them for a few minutes and then you remove it. In short, the best for you is removing it with an oily medium that you must let stay for a little time for the best results.
What is good to do for removing once and for all the mascara? there are many things, for example: you can reserve an applicator for mascara and apply vaseline in your eyelashes, carefully, to avoid it getting in your eyes. Let that in between 3 and 5 minutes and remove then with warm water and a microfiber towel. Almost magic. Also, you can use a little oil applied with a brush, and the steps are the same: you let them for a few minutes and then you remove it. In short, the best for you is removing it with an oily medium that you must let stay for a little time for the best results.
- Y para despintar el hermoso y muy duradero labial indeleble? La misma situación que arriba, salvo que aquí, como el labial es un poco más espeso, conviene más usar vaselina o algún aceite consistente, como el de coco. Es importante retirarlo con algo húmedo y no con un pañuelo seco o algo así, para cuidar de la elasticidad de la piel.
And for removing the beautiful and very durable indelible lipstick? Same situation as above, but here, as the lipstick is a little thicker, it is convenient to use vaseline or a more consistent oil, like coconut oil. it is important to remove it with something damp, and not with a dry tissue or something like that, to preserve skin elasticity.
And for removing the beautiful and very durable indelible lipstick? Same situation as above, but here, as the lipstick is a little thicker, it is convenient to use vaseline or a more consistent oil, like coconut oil. it is important to remove it with something damp, and not with a dry tissue or something like that, to preserve skin elasticity.
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